Apocalpse is the kind of villain that you make into two movies, like what Disney is doing with Thanos. There was nothing special about them, they each said I will join you but that is about it. The gathering of the horseman was also kind of sad as he felt like he just picked up the first four mutants that he saw. He was shorter than some of the mutants when in the comics he is a giant and didn't need much assistance. Apocalypse didn't look or feel all that powerful even though his powers would indicate he was. I simply didn't find this story to be particularly interesting or believable compared to the other superhero movies in recent years. The X-Men must stop him before he becomes to powerful. A god-like mutant has awaken and wants to destroy civilization in order to regain his rule. X-Men Apocalypse takes place in the 1980's, 10 years after the events in Days of Future Past.